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Wolf Pit Lake

5005 Wickham Avenue in Mattituck





Ice Skating


Step Back in Time

Wolf Pit Lake is a small kettle lake which is used for ice skating when weather permits.


Its very pastural setting is great for walking, bird watching, and also enjoying the view from the benches.


This picturesque lake located on Wickham Avenue in one of the most serene areas of Mattituck. In 1967, the property was donated by Judge Ralph W. Tuthill and Family to the Mattituck Park District.


It's perfect for a short hike, birdwatching, sitting on a bench and reading, as well as ice skating in the winter.


Southold Town has received a grant from NYS to redirect road runoff into a new drainage area, located on the sliver of land between Old Tuthill Lane and Wickham Avenue. Work should commence in several months. Once that situation is remedied, restoration of the lake can be addressed.

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