Sabat Meadow Revitalization
1865 Bay Avenue in Mattituck
The Park District is transforming the former baseball field and lawn into a native pollinator meadow with a half-mile walking trail this fall and next spring. Over the following years, as budgets allow, the District will move the tennis courts on the property and build a gazebo where the current courts are. Our plans for this property have evolved over time, and past iterations included a dog park and pickleball; neither is planned for Sabat Meadow any longer. Instead, we are currently building a dog park at our Aldrich Lane property, and if in future years our budget allows, we will build pickleball courts at the Aldrich property as well.
As the District rejuvenates the property, it will offer many opportunities for you to participate by volunteering. Our first opportunity is on Saturday November 16, at 1 pm, when we plant the first 1,750 native pollinator plants. Join us by volunteering here.
During our transformation of Sabat Field, we will be posting updates to our blog, and adding links to those posts on this page. Here's the October 18, 2024 email Sabat Meadow Revitalization .