The beaches of the Mattituck Park District belong to the residents of Mattituck and Laurel, who are welcome to walk on to them at any time. Non-Residents may not walk on, but they may drive to and park at our beaches. We require anyone wishing to park at our beaches to purchase a parking permit and display it on their car. Resident seasonal parking passes cost $25; non-resident seasonal parking passes cost $200.
Our seasonal passes provide parking for all of our properties except our Bailie Beach property. Southold Town provides Bailie Beach parking, and requires its own pass. Our day parking passes are available at $35/day, but do not provide access to Breakwater Beach (or Bailie Beach).
In addition to parking permits, everyone may purchase permits to dock at our Love Lane Boathouse. Residents may also get fishing permits and kayak/paddleboard storage permits.
Please click on the appropriate link below for more information.
Most permits are available for online purchase.